Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2019
peacecamp 2020: Make the impossible possible

peacecamp 2020: Make the impossible possible
Lackenhof, Lower Austria, July 7th - 17th, 2020

peacecamp 2020 will bring together Jewish Israeli and Arab-Palestinian pupils from Israel with peers from Austria and Hungary to spend together ten days in the remote and picturesque village Lackenhof in the Austrian mountains. Each group coached and accompanied by an adult from its own surroundings, will bring to the encounter an account of its personal, cultural and religious background and of the current social and political issues prevailing in the respective groups and countries.

A team of artists, educators, teachers and a group analyst will elaborate with them on these issues, using “4 questions about peace” as guideline through the obstacles and possible solutions of the problems and conflicts prevailing in their societies. peacecamp will try to raise awareness of individual and group resources and to develop and spread skills apt to cope with, and resolve problems in non-violent, creative ways, based on knowledge and mutual understanding.

Work will be done in pleasurable, playful and mindful manner leading to a final “show4peace” at which the newly appointed Ambassadors of Peace will show on stage what they experienced and learned during this encounter.

Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
September 2019

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