Cancelation of peacecamp 2020

peacecamp 2020 should be starting today but had to be canceled due to corona virus.
It will hopefully take place next July 2020 in the format planned for this year.
We wish all our partners and supporters a good sommer. Stay in good health.
Evelyn and Ronny

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peacecamp-Präsentation vor dem Koordinierungsausschuss für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit

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10 rules4peace - or how to have a good time at peaceamp

1. DO always communicate in English, which is the language common to all on peacecamp. It does not matter if you make mistakes. You can always ask a friend or an adult to help you translate or express yourself in English.

2. DO always address people directly: talk TO – not ABOUT somebody.

3. DO respect the structure and time-table of the peacecamp: DO arrive on time and attend ALL meals and workshops. All meals have to be taken in the youth hostel.

4. DO share and express your opinions and feelings openly, frankly. DO stand up for your convictions. DO tell us if something bothers you, but do this respectfully in a way that won’t hurt others.

5. DO respect rest- and sleeping-hours of the people in and around the youth hostel. In Austria resting hour starts at 10 pm – please no loud voices and music in the street after this hour. If you play music after this hour, please close the windows, so that the neighbours can sleep undisturbed.

6. DO treat the space and environment with respect and care. DO observe waste separation. We have separate bins for plastic, paper, metal, organic and “general” waste as well as for bottles. Our Austrian friends will show you how to do this.

7. DO NOT hurt, offend or attack others – neither verbally nor in action. Fight for your views and convictions, but do this respectfully and try to listen to the other person’s viewpoint.

8. DO NOT damage or waste things: Handle equipment with respect and care. DO leave rooms and equipment as you would like to find them. Try to keep the in- and outdoor space clean and beautiful.

9. DO keep the peacecamp area free of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs of any kind.

10. DO give your best and DO take home as much as you can. Remember that in order to receive, you must be ready to give.

Please remember: We are coming from different countries, cultures and religions. We may be eating different food, wearing different clothes, have different life styles. Let us find ways to experiment with the new while respecting each other’s social norms.

Have a wonderful time – Your peacecamp 2020 team

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