Meet Katharina Mordag-Stöbich, coordinator of the Austrian group, Workshop Facilitator

Hello! My name is Katharina Mordag-Stöbich. At peacecamp 2020 I am in charge of the coordination of the Austrian group together with my colleague Lisbeth as well as conducting two workshops during the camp. This is my first time as part of the team, and I am very curious about how it will be and to get to know its participants!

My professional background is political science, I studied at the University of Vienna. After graduating, I decided to go to Israel for some time due to love and stayed for almost 5 years.

Currently, I am working for the Red Cross in the field of migration. We run numerous accommodations for refugees in Lower Austria and are conducting a youth project at schools in order to reduce prejudice and fear amongst the Austrian population when it comes to immigration and refugees.

Since the beginning of 2019 I am on maternity leave with my wonderful daughter and will be back at work by mid July.

I love to work with kids and teenagers since their openness, creativity and energy inspires me! In this regard I am looking forward meeting you at the peacecamp 2020!

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Meet Cäcilia Färber, Workshop Facilitator

Photo: © Goethe-Institut Belgrad/ Milica Nikolić

My name is Cäcilia.
I moved to Vienna almost thirteen years ago to study dance. Originally i am from „Menden im Sauerland“, a small town in Germany.
I work as a freelance artist and as pedagogue and choreographer in different kind of projects, with a focus on language-theatre and dance. To quote Pina Bausch, one of my biggest idols, “I am not interested in how people move, but in what moves them.“
It is my great pleasure to be part of peacecamp2020! I love to meet new people from all over the world and i am very much looking forward to meet you!

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Meet Ronny Böhmer, Administrator4peace

Hi, my name is Ronny. I am Evelyn's husband, and while she is the mastermind behind the peacecamp project, I am rather the allrounder and troubleshooter taking care of all the organisational details entailed with such an event. I will be at the camp on and off, commuting between Vienna and Lackenhof. I was born in Argentina and am living in Vienna (with interruptions) since my childhood. I have two grown-up daughters and (so far) one grandson. I am looking forward to be with you all at peacecamp no. 18! See you there ...

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