I am Evelyn
I started peacecamp in 2004. It was meant to be a one-time-project, allowing youngsters from Israel/Palestine to get a time out from violence. Meanwhile we are doing the 18th peaceamp and have four groups of participants - young Palestinian and Jewish Israelis, and youth from Austria and from Hungary. peacecamp takes place each year in July in a pittoresque region in the midst of Austrian mountains. peacecamp is meant to search for non-violent ways to cope with problems and conflicts.
I believe that conflicts are perpetuated because people usually do not ask themselves how they themselves could contribute to resolve a conclict. Conflicting parties usually point an accusing finger at each other: "YOU should have..." YOU should not have..."
Mutual accusations are a waste of energy and never led to anything constructive. I therefore want to challenge young people to think about the problems they face in their own region and to think of creative ways to confront them.
I also believe that it is necessary to get to know, to learn to listen to, and to understand other nations, cultures and religions in order to live peacefully together.
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peacecamp 2020: make the impossible possible
preparations and deadlines
1. Registration of participants:
a) one participation sheet per participant (see attached), filled in and signed both by parents and participant – copy till 01.02.2020. Bring the original to peacecamp
b) copy of passport (refers to the two groups from Israel only!) – till 01.02.2020
2. Individual assignments:
a) introduce yourself with your picture some information about yourself – till 01.02.2020
b) 4questions4peace/before peacecamp: please fill in the questionnaire on the attached word-document – till 01.04.2020
c) individual assignment: my life story book – a documentation of your roots, your own and your family’s life history – bring to peacecamp
3. Group assignments
a) 3 assignment for the workshop "Imagine Peace": (Send us till June 10th 2020) - see "assignments imagine peace"
b) Culture Evening: Bring your own living context to the peacecamp.
Feel free to show us a picture of your own country/culture with all its particular features.(present it at peacecamp)
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Job offer
peacecamp 2020 https://2020.peacecamp.net/ - 7. - 17. Juli 2020 in Lackenhof sucht für den Workshop Art-&Outdoor4peace zwei
Theater-, Tanz-,Kunst- und/oder Freizeitpädagog*innen.
Bitte um Kontaktnahme bohmerATutanet.at
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